Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Questions the press should ask

Nieman Watchdog, a great site by the way, posts a list of questions the press should ask, adapted from The American Street blog.

A couple choice ones:

Q. For three years, we were regularly warned of potential terror attacks, at political conventions and sporting events, up to and including Election Day. It seemed like every time Bush was advancing an aggressive foreign policy move, or when he needed a distraction from a blunder (like Abu Ghraib), or his polling numbers were falling behind his political opponents for his election campaign, an alert would emanate. But there have been no terror alerts since November 14th’s downgrade - nearly 5 months. Were the alerts politically motivated, generating fear, knowing that the US electorate historically rallies behind a President when they’re fearful?

Q. Ever since the "culture of life" concept has been promoted by this administration, we’ve been treated to repetitive stories and photos of dying and dead people. The federal government intruded on a family matter with the Schiavos and Schindlers. Much hoopla was raised about the death of John Paul II, with numerous extensions of protocol violated (flags ordered to half-staff, the president attending his funeral, etc). If the "culture of life" requires that we confront the reality of death in such bold and dramatic ways, why does the ban remain on photographs of coffins of dead soldiers returning from Iraq?

See the original post.


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11:47 AM  
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4:43 AM  
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9:51 AM  
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1:58 AM  
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6:53 PM  
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3:50 PM  

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