Wednesday, May 25, 2005

How Propaganda Becomes "Truth"

Great post from Arthur Silber on Newsweek, propaganda, White House control of the media, etc.

All the major points advanced by the war propagandists—and that I identified in my very first post about the Newsweek story—are included: the riots and deaths that came after the Newsweek item in time were caused by the magazine’s story, and whether that contention is true or not need not even be addressed; Newsweek retracted the story, so whether the U.S. and/or its troops have shown disrespect toward Islam or the Koran, and what the results of such policies might be, need not be considered ; and all the rest.

This is how popular mythology is created and how war propaganda becomes so common, because it is repeated so often and questioned so rarely, that it is widely accepted as “truth.”


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