Monday, May 09, 2005

Krugman Spells Out How Bush Is Screwing Us

Paul Krugman has a great piece on Bush's Social Security plan and how it ties into Bush's tax cuts:

Let's consider the Bush tax cuts and the Bush benefit cuts as a package. Who gains? Who loses?

Suppose you're a full-time Wal-Mart employee, earning $17,000 a year. You probably didn't get any tax cut. But Mr. Bush says, generously, that he won't cut your Social Security benefits.

Suppose you're earning $60,000 a year. On average, Mr. Bush cut taxes for workers like you by about $1,000 per year. But by 2045 the Bush Social Security plan would cut benefits for workers like you by about $6,500 per year. Not a very good deal.

Suppose, finally, that you're making $1 million a year. You received a tax cut worth about $50,000 per year. By 2045 the Bush plan would reduce benefits for people like you by about $9,400 per year. We have a winner!

I'm not being unfair. In fact, I've weighted the scales heavily in Mr. Bush's favor, because the tax cuts will cost much more than the benefit cuts would save. Repealing Mr. Bush's tax cuts would yield enough revenue to call off his proposed benefit cuts, and still leave $8 trillion in change. (Emphasis mine)

BushCo has tried to talk Social Security in a vacuum - mad props to Krugman for stepping outside the SS box and looking at the big picture. It's an intentially complicated shell game that Krugman adeptly explains in a way that just about anyone can understand.