Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Go back to Texas

I'm a little late in seeing this but couldn't let it pass by without a comment. Here's hoping this shit never happens.

Not giving DC residents the right to vote is one thing, having a Senator from Texas overturn one of the few laws DC government has the right to pass is another thing completely.

I love how the press release talks about undermining the Constitution. What about undermining democracy, representative government, and state's rights?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

See previous post on Kay Bailey's weird gun fetish at http://blogsquatters.blogspot.com/2005/05/i-like-to-shoot-guns-as-much-as-next.html

Senate Rs don't give a shit about states' rights. Look at the medical marijuana issue, all the efforts to strip state courts of jurisidiction in asbestos cases, medical malpractice cases, the Terri Schiavo case, etc.

The No Child Left Behind Act is another great example. The states hate it. The Bush Admin is even trying to overturn California's vehicle emissions standards. Apparently, states don't have the right to protect their own constituents from air pollution if the federal government isn't for it.

The gay marriage issue. Nope, can't let the states handle that either. God knows what might happen?!? Rick Santorum's marriage could literally disolve on the spot.

Fuckers, all of 'em.

2:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Let's rename the Wizards to the Bullets again, elect Marion Barry as mayor, bring the gunshows back, and fuck it, let's remanufacture cop-killer bullets since it's my right to own armor-piercing ammunition.

My favorite was that bullshit sign that Jerry "Guns for Everyone" Patterson had on his door at the Texas Lege that said, "Handguns Welcome Here."

Shit, I could imagine their faces if a constituent walked into his office waving around a handgun.

Guns are good when black people are shooting each other. Not when you want to point out the hypocrisy of rich white lawmakers making them more accessible.

4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking for information and found it at this great site... »

12:27 AM  

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