Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Young Neidermeyers

Ugh. The Times reports on the young Neidermeyers in town for Heritage Foundation internships.

Next Generation of Conservatives (By the Dormful)

They are young and bright and ardently right. They tack Ronald Reagan calendars on their cubicle walls and devote brown bag lunches to the free market theories of Friedrich von Hayek. They come from 51 colleges and 28 states, calling for low taxes, strong defense and dorm rooms with a view.

And let's get one thing straight: they're not here to run the copying machine.

Yuk, yuk, yuk. This intern has some noble and lofty career goals:

Katherine Rogers, a junior at Georgetown, is spending the summer in the Keith and Lois Mitchell room, on the Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Smyth floor, just upstairs from the Norma Zindahl Intern Lounge, which is adjacent to the William J. Lehrfeld Intern Center. Ms. Rogers's father is a longtime Heritage donor, and she is working in donor relations, which she thinks will be useful in her intended career as a pharmaceutical lobbyist.

A fucking pharmaceutical lobbyist? If I were her guidance counselor I'd shoot myself. I'd be more proud if my daughter wanted to be a stripper, rather than a whore for an industry that knowingly markets deadly drugs to children, price-gouges the taxpayer, and overcharges the American consumer.

Finally, the article contains a sad, though dead-on accuarate, admission by the left:

"There's no question that the right wing over the last 25 years did a much better job of creating a farm system," said Ralph G. Neas, the president of People for the American Way. Like many other liberal groups, his has recently expanded its campus outreach activities in an effort to keep pace with the right.

"They invested in young people," Mr. Neas said. "We're trying to catch up."

Ok, this is an unfair ad hominem attack, but doesn't the guy on the right look like a child molester?