Breaking: Plame Case
You heard it here first - rumor has it that 22 separate indictments will be handed down tomorrow in the Plame case. Normally I don't put much stock in rumors like this but when it's specific enough to include an exact number, I start believing...
Update (10/06): Rumor has it that Rove got his letter about the indictment today. For more on the letters the prosecutor is sending out, read this.
Update (10/06): Rumor has it that Rove got his letter about the indictment today. For more on the letters the prosecutor is sending out, read this.
We should all pray really hard on this for indictments.
Specifically, direct prayers to Catherine of Alexandria, the patron saint of jurists and jurors. Tell her we want agrandy jury indictments, 22 of 'em, 7 for every member of the Trinity plus one to grow on.
patron saint of the Dems:
ouch, patron saint of Dunc:
one saint not welcome in Bush White House:
no saint for BDA and Marvelle, yet:
Or, the patron saint of chickenshit anonymous bloggers...
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