Cheney, Republican "accountability," and a new blog
Kudos to local news for playing it hilariously straight in reporting, simply, "Cheney Shoots Man."
Best headlines I've seen:
Dick Cheney’s “Bird Flew” Problem
From Dan Quayle to Damn Quail!
Cheney steps up war on lawyers
Dick Cheney's Hunting Horror
The BBC was great, reporting, US Vice-President shoots friend
And they published a side by side photo of Whittington and a quail:

Harry Whittington (left). A quail (right)
Hehe, those Brits!
Nice quip, Brady:
So, let's bring on the obvious metaphors.
Is this scenario more reminiscent of Bush fragging McCain in S.C.? Or does Whittington represent the Iraqi civilians accidentally shot when the Bush Admin goes off on an unnecessary shooting war? Maybe Whittington was a stand in for Scooter?
Whatever, I just want to see Cheney go down for manslaughter. I want the sentence stacked with the one for violating national security law about disclosure of classified information.
Next topic: Even the Rs know Bush fucked up in NO:
Republicans' Report on Katrina Assails Response
What a telling statement: A White House spokesman said that President Bush was now focused on the future, not the past.
The whole idea of being held responsible for your actions is just non-existent with these people. Imagine if a criminal tried this at the end of trial. "Yes, I know the evidence shows I broke into that house and pawned their TV, but we need to focus 'on the future, not the past.' Let's just forget about it and talk about what we all can do to make sure I don't do that again. Bygones, eh?"
Finally, a friend in Minnesota has a new blog for the DFL party: Check it out.
Best headlines I've seen:
Dick Cheney’s “Bird Flew” Problem
From Dan Quayle to Damn Quail!
Cheney steps up war on lawyers
Dick Cheney's Hunting Horror
The BBC was great, reporting, US Vice-President shoots friend
And they published a side by side photo of Whittington and a quail:

Harry Whittington (left). A quail (right)
Hehe, those Brits!
Nice quip, Brady:
"Now I understand why Dick Cheney keeps asking me to go hunting with him," Jim Brady said in a statement. "I had a friend once who accidentally shot pellets into his dog -- and I thought he was an idiot."
"I've thought Cheney was scary for a long time," Sarah Brady said. "Now I know I was right to be nervous."
So, let's bring on the obvious metaphors.
Is this scenario more reminiscent of Bush fragging McCain in S.C.? Or does Whittington represent the Iraqi civilians accidentally shot when the Bush Admin goes off on an unnecessary shooting war? Maybe Whittington was a stand in for Scooter?
Whatever, I just want to see Cheney go down for manslaughter. I want the sentence stacked with the one for violating national security law about disclosure of classified information.
Next topic: Even the Rs know Bush fucked up in NO:
Republicans' Report on Katrina Assails Response
WASHINGTON, Feb. 12 — House Republicans plan to issue a blistering report on Wednesday that says the Bush administration delayed the evacuation of thousands of New Orleans residents by failing to act quickly on early reports that the levees had broken during Hurricane Katrina.
A draft of the report, to be issued by an 11-member, all-Republican committee, says the Bush administration was informed on the day Hurricane Katrina hit that the levees had been breached, even though the president and other top administration officials earlier said that they had learned of the breach the next day.
A White House spokesman said that President Bush was now focused on the future, not the past. A Department of Homeland Security spokesman said that Michael D. Brown, the former director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, was partly to blame for failing to make timely reports to his superiors.
What a telling statement: A White House spokesman said that President Bush was now focused on the future, not the past.
The whole idea of being held responsible for your actions is just non-existent with these people. Imagine if a criminal tried this at the end of trial. "Yes, I know the evidence shows I broke into that house and pawned their TV, but we need to focus 'on the future, not the past.' Let's just forget about it and talk about what we all can do to make sure I don't do that again. Bygones, eh?"
Finally, a friend in Minnesota has a new blog for the DFL party: Check it out.
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