Friday, July 15, 2005

From terrorism to transsexualism

The Daily Texan has a great feature on everyone's favorite candidate (well, after Leslie), Jennifer Gale

Choice excerpts:

Jennifer Lauren Gale, professional public office candidate, poet, regular Austin City Council meeting attendee, daily park cleaner, frequenter of the Texas Union, Dobie Mall and all Austin public libraries, constant seeker of answers and friends, and now candidate for governor, is ready for a vacation.

She is preparing travel to Madison, Wisc., her birthplace and nostalgic "paradise." She plans to travel via commercial 18-wheeler.


She does not have a job. Many would call her homeless. She prefers "living outside." Gale has lived outside since 1991, the same year she first ran for public office.


Stalder said he "bent over backwards" to investigate the situation, and he eventually supported Gale's use of the restroom because he had confirmed a sex-change operation she had in Galveston. She is legally a female.


"I don't know if you know about me at all, but I wear sweatshirts," she says, pulling out a yellow T-shirt depicting Martin Luther King Jr. A dark gray-blue long-sleeved T-shirt is already pulled through the sleeves of the yellow shirt.

She also carries a keychain stick of Hawaiian Tropic Barbie-themed sunscreen and a brightly colored umbrella, which she opens while we walk.