Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The big news

So everybody knows now Hot Tub Tom isn't running.

1. While I am celebrating a little humility forced on DeLay along with everyone, it's tempered by the fact that this sucks for Lampson and the Ds' chances of taking back that seat.

2. How appropriate and wussy that DeLay is going to become a resident of Virginia -- in essence denouncing his Texas citizenship -- to drop off the ballot and avoid getting trounced. If DeLay had been at the Alamo he would have joined the Mexican Army. We don't want him in Texas anyway.

3. Maybe we can challege the ballot replacement. See commentary. At the very least the controversy over it shows: a) DeLay to be a slimy bastard, and b) this is a calculated move by the national Rs to keep a seat. Whoever we run against must be tarred from day one as part of the corrupt machine. I see direct mail with DeLay as a puppeteer. I hope the DCCC and DNC oppo shops are working 24-7 on every potential challenger and finding every time they appeared at the same fundraiser or are connected in any way.