Monday, June 12, 2006

Help me!

So glad to see the kitty killer story is finally getting legs ... tiny little kitten legs.

Monday, 06/12/06
Kitty-killer label litters Frist resume for president

There's a potential pothole in U.S. Sen. Bill Frist's road to the White House: He's a confessed kitty killer.


It came up in Tennessee's 1994 Republican primary, when Frist faced five opponents for the nomination. It was Chattanooga's Bob Corker (he's in a similar cat fight for Frist's seat now) who tried to inflame the feline furor. Corker sent beef-and-bacon-flavored 9 Lives Cat Treats to reporters and put out a press release saying Frist had lost the Garfield vote.


It's the part where he kept them as pets first that is bothersome.

"Desperate, obsessed with my work, I visited the various animal shelters in the Boston suburbs, collecting cats, taking them home, treating them as pets for a few days, then carting them off to the lab to die in the interests of science. And medicine. And health care. And treatment of disease. And my project."


Frist recently commented about the power he felt when holding the last beats of a dog's heart in his hand. Good thing little Scratchy had a decent hiding place while Frist was in med school.

This will be media catnip. Think of the potential for protests and endorsements. A "Saturday Night Live" skit would be a no-brainer: "Toonces, look out! It's the kitty-killing gentlemen from the state of Tennessee!"


Blogger daytripperwhit said...

ack! that's horrible! poor lil' kitties! isn't that one of the signs of a serial killer? cruelty to animals?

1:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frist is a total psycho. He acts like he had to do it but he clearly enjoyed the experience. The adopting them and treating them as pets before murdering them part is super disturbing.

10:54 AM  

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