Thursday, June 16, 2005

More on the lynching vote

A loyal reader of pointed out "one of the most offensive quotes ever" in the Chronicle's story on Senators Cornyn and Hutchison trying to explain their decisions not to co-sponsor the lynching apology.

Chris Paulitz, a Hutchison aide, said the senator's staff did not push her to co-sponsor the resolution because "it was guaranteed to pass."

"For her, lynching is something that is very present," Paulitz said. "This is something she knows very personally. But as a member of the Senate leadership, you just can't co-sponsor everything."

Paulitz emphasized that in 1998, Hutchison attended the funeral of James Byrd Jr., a black man from Jasper, Texas, who was dragged along a road and killed by three white men.

"Knowing something personally is more than attending a funeral. But here's to using funeral attendance to make you appear like you are not kowtowing to the racists in Texas like you really are," he writes.

Damn straight.