Tuesday, August 09, 2005

How Not to Win Over the Blogosphere

What the hell was NARAL thinking?

If you were a Dem-leaning issue advocacy group and you didn't like what a union was doing would you ask your members to go to a union rally and tell union members they're wrong about something? Not unless you like it when your members get the shit kicked out of them.

What you would do is tell your members to do is to join the union, get involved in what they do, and make a difference that way.

If NARAL had sent out an email saying 'hey, these blogs are great, they're an important part of the progressive community, and we want to encourage you to get involved in what they're doing,' the blogs would have praised them. Instead, they attacked the blogs and alienating a bunch of activists that probably would have been pretty happy to support them.

My vote for dumbest email of the week. And I'm not even going to get into the logic (or lack thereof) behind supporting Lincoln Chafee...