Monday, August 08, 2005

US Soldier says he was trained to beat prisoners to death

so what did he do wrong???

"I just don't understand how, if we were given training to do this, you can say that we were wrong and should have known better," said the soldier, Pvt. Willie V. Brand, 26, of Cincinnati, a father of four who volunteered for tours in Afghanistan and Kosovo.

Like Pvt. Brand, there are many things I do not understand:

"None of the nine soldiers prosecuted thus far are officers."

Why are the privates and other enlisted folks the only ones ever prosecuted for these prison brutalities?

"The lawyer for one of the former military intelligence soldiers, Sgt. Selena M. Salcedo, pointed to her lack of preparation as she entered a guilty plea, saying she had no prior training in interrogations and learned that she would be questioning prisoners only after arriving in Afghanistan."

How much training do you need to recognize that another human being, who is completely under your power, is injured and in pain? Is this something that has to be taught? Even animals recognize when members of their group are injured, and lick each other's wounds to help.

My primary beef, though, is that most Americans seem not to know, and worse, seem not to care that this is happening. We claim to believe in the sanctity of human life, but the rhetoric doesn't hold as soon as we determine that that life is not American.

Where is the basic human emotion of compassion for one's fellow man? And where is our outrage at this inhumanity?

Beacon of freedom and shining example of democracy to the rest of the world my ass.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! » »

1:02 PM  

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